Websites constantly lose links. Recovering these backlinks is the best white-hat link building strategy that can exist: it costs less but saves time.
Very often, those who remove links do it in an unintentional way: change a template or remove an article, and the link is lost. That’s why they will most probably be available to be recovered.
The most common causes that lead to lost links:
- The linked page disappears, generating a 404 not found page.
- The text that contained your link was modified.
- The site was redesigned and the links were lost.
- The site that linked to you has now changed ownership and it was redirected to the primary domain.
There are many reasons why a link could disappear. Fortunately we know HOW and WHEN to recover them.
Acquiring and Retaining
Big marketing strategies are based on two things: acquiring and retaining.
It’s a common myth that rapidly-scaled Web projects promote growth through rapidly acquiring new clients. Wrong! It’s retaining search engine growth.
Link building is no different. It in fact requires you to focus on link acquisition and link preservation.
On our experience, 90% of SEO follows link acquisition, but only 10% manages link preservation.
Normally a site loses 30% of links acquired within a year. Unless the site works with Menford!
Working to recover backlinks requires time, but we’re aware of the benefits that this link recovery operation can bring. Most agencies don’t do it, but we’ve seen above-average conversion rates from opening email. Not bad, eh?
Why do we do it? Not only because it’s something that few SEO experts are thinking about, but also because you can effectively help people manage their websites.
Think about it. They just updated their website and we rush to help them by reporting missing content that was inadvertently removed. That’s why they will gladly insert the new like. Cost? Sending an email!
Normally a site can recover up to 50% of lost links. By lost links, we’re referring to truly useful links and not junk that arrives from low-league or foreign sites.
Let’s assume that a site can also only recover 50 links over the course of a year. This is the equivalent of four months of link building. A great saving, don’t you think?
Even in the worst cases where we might only be able to recover 20% of lost links, they would still end up with 25 more links that they would have otherwise.
So, as you can see, the best scenario is obtaining more links and the worst scenario is that you get more links. It seems like a good link building strategy to me.
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